Download child portfolio

Download child portfolio

A child portfolio may be download for each year.

Click on Portfolios > Child Portfolio

download child portfolio

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the year to download and either General Use or Office Use, then click the blue button ‘export selected’.

download portfolio form

You will be taken to a page with all the stories for the selected child in the selected year.  You may then choose up to 25 stories by checking the box next to your selected stories.

select stories

Click the ‘Export Selected’ button once and allow a couple of minutes for the portfolio to be created. Do not leave the page as per the instructions.

Once the portfolio has been created it will open in you PDF reader. You may download a free version of adobe PDF reader from

The PDF will contain all selected stories related to the selected child in the one document.

Save the portfolio to your hard drive.

Click on the refresh page to return to the child’s portfolio page. This will allow you to download other years if required.


Last Update: October 9, 2022  

February 17, 2019   3522    Download Documents, Portfolios  
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