Linking Parents & Children

Linking Parents & Children

A child must be linked to a parent account in order for the parent to view any information about the child.  All links are made through the child’s user account.

There is no requirement within the system for children to be linked to parents and many centres op not to set up links initially when starting to use One Child.  The benefit of linking children and parents is that it then allows parents to access their child’s documentation via their own sign in.  Parent will be sent an email when a new story has been added to their child’s portfolio and they can view it once they login to One Child.

NB: No emails will be sent to a parent until a child is linked to a parent.

There are two methods for linking children to parents.  Before linking can be done both the parent and the child must be enrolled on One Child. See enrolment for further information.

Method 1

Click on ‘Manage User’ in the sidebar menu to get this page and select active children.

linking parents and children

Click on the green button with the link next to the relevant child. This will then take you to the linking page.

NOTE: The child’s parent/guardian must already be entered onto the system as a guest so that they may be linked.  If you have not added the parent you may use the quick link ‘create a new guest’ to enter the guest onto the system.

It is just a simple matter of starting to type the parents name into the input bar. The system will show a diminishing guest list as you type.  Select the relevant parent name and click on the green button ‘Link them up’ at the bottom of the page.


link a child and parent


The screen will then refresh and a message indicating that the link was made successfully will be displayed as well as a new section which says ‘Existing Links’.  Under that will be the parents name(s) linked to the child.

successful link

To delete the link for the child click on the red minus button next to the parents name and follow the prompts and the link will be removed.

There is no limit to the number of links for a child.


Method 2

Children who are enrolled on the system but have not been linked to a parent will be listed on the Relationships page.

  1. Click on Administration in the left menu
  2. Click on Relationships in the sub-menu

The warnings at the top of the page highlight that the children listed are not linked to a parent.

Linking from here is easy.  Click on the red link icon next to the relevant child’s name.  You will then be taken to the Link Child to Parent page.

link a child and parent

This is the same page as shown in Method 1. Select a parent from the drop down list and click ‘Link them up!’ button.

A success message will be displayed and the name of the parent will be shown under the title ‘Existing Links’.

successful link

Once a child has at least one link they will not be listed on the Reach page so to add more links Method 1 needs to be used.

When parents are enrolled as a guest they have access to One Child and can login. If a parent has no children linked to their page they will not be able to see any information about their child and will be directed to contact the centre to create the links to their child.

no links for a guest signed in

When children have been linked to a parent when they login they will see the linked children on their home page and any stories for that child listed underneath.

guest view with linked children

Last Update: September 11, 2017  

September 11, 2017   4484    Administration  
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