Weekly planner overview

Weekly planner overview

The weekly planner allows educators to create and print a weekly planner of activities for the centre.

The weekly planner can accommodate adding activities which have not been planned yet or planned activities already saved in One Child.  This short video will show you how to add an unplanned activity to the planner and then add an activity which has already been planned.

It is important to note that the weekly planner can be used as a living document, where activities are added to the planner as the program develops through the week.  This is why it is possible to add activities without the need to have activities planned already.

It is also possible for each centre to produce a weekly planner for each room or area they may have.  This just requies the educator to choose the relevant room or area when adding the activity to the planner.

Last Update: November 24, 2017  

November 24, 2017   3644    Administration, Planning  
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