Add a child, parent, educator or administrator

Add a child, parent, educator or administrator

Administrators only can enrol users onto the system.  The enrolment process is designed to be quick and does not require much information to be added to the system.


Click on Administration in the left menu.

Click on Enrolment in the sub-meu.

All fields of the enrolment form should be completed.

The access type should be selected with care here to allow relevant people the suitable access privileges for the system.

Children, Guests, Educators and Administrators are all enrolled with this form.

Click on the ‘Access Type’ field and select the appropriate type for the user being enrolled onto One Child.

choose user type

If a guest, educator or administrator are selected the form will automatically add an email field.

form with email field

Enter the first and last name for the person being enrolled.

Enter an email address if the email field is present.

Click on ‘Submit Enrolment’.

Upon submitting the form an email is sent to the email address supplied informing the person of their login details which includes the username and an automatically generated six digit password.

In the case of a child user no email will be sent.

The email address is very important for all users (except children) as it is used for automated email to change a password, and to inform parents (guest users) a new story etc.


Access Privileges (Table 1)

Child Guest Educator Administrator
Receive announcements X X X
Receive, reply messages X X X
Change own password X X X
View Stories X X X
Add Edit Delete own planning  – X X
Add Edit Delete own stories  – X X
Add edit delete own reflections  – X X
Send, reply messages  X(limited) X X
View Statistics  – X X
Enrol users  – X X
View, edit delete all planning  –  –  – X
View edit delete all stories  –  –  – X
View edit delete all reflections  –  –  – X
Change any password  –  –  – X
Add,edit learning areas  –  –  – X
Add,archive users X
Change access levels of users X

Last Update: February 15, 2018  

September 6, 2017   4371    Administration, Getting Started    
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One Child teacher with a child

 One Child is the best way to document learning and build relationships with parents at your centre.

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