Simple and Full details for a weekly planner

Simple and Full details for a weekly planner

A weekly planner will give an overview about planned activities occurring during a week.  These can be printed out to assist educators with timetabling for their centre.  They may also be printed out and displayed to share with parent about what activities will be occurring over a week.

There are two options for generating a weekly planner.

Simple – Is a weekly view of activities planned for a room/area or centre.

Full Details – Includes all the information of the ‘simple’ view but it also includes the ‘intentionality’ from a linked plan into the weekly overview.


The simple weekly planner outlines the activities in a table format for the week.  This is displayed on one page and can be generated by selecting the ‘simple’ button after the weekly planner has been populated. See Weekly Planner Overview

The planner will then be displayed on a single pay layout.  This is how the planner will print as well.

Full Details

To include more detail in your planner select the ‘Full Details’ button after the weekly planner has been populated. See Weekly Planner Overview

The planned activities for the selected week and room/area will be displayed in a single page layout.

You will notice that the intentionality of a linked planned activity is included in the weekly overview.

This has been designed to allow families to get a more in depth understanding of the program for a centre and the learning that their child will be exploring during the planned activities.

Clicking on print button will create a one page PDF which you will be able to print.

Important Information:

If planned activities do not fit on one page they will not be printed.  The weekly planner has been designed specifically to fit a weekly planning overview on one page only.  If your program needs more room we suggest you break your planning up into area/rooms or ‘am’ or ‘pm’ for OSCH centres.


Last Update: March 4, 2018  

March 4, 2018   3566    Planning  
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