Remove a child, parent or educator

Remove a child, parent or educator

There is no provision to remove a child or any user from the system once they have been entered.  Once a child or educator leaves the centre they can be made inactive.


An inactive user has no influence on centre wide statistics and no longer shows in any selectable drop down menu for observations, planning or the like.


The reason there is no delete feature is so that archived access to a child’s or educators documentation can be made.  No documentation is deleted when a user is archived.


To change the status of a user in One Child, select Administration > Manage Users from the side menu.

Click on the blue edit button for the person to be archived.

On the users page scroll to the bottom of the page to the Status area.

Click on the radio button next to ‘The person no longer uses the service’, then click update.

A message at the top of the page will be displayed ‘User has been archived successfully’.

If a person is archived accidentally or returns to a service they may be reinstated by clicking on the ‘Current user of the service’ and they will be returned to the current list.

To access archived persons, navigate to the ‘Manage Users’ page and select the ex-children, ex-guests or all users filters.

select archived users

NB: If a parent(guest) is archived they will not be able to login to One Child.  It is recommended that once a child leaves the service and is archived and if there are no other siblings attending the parents can be archived as well.  If a sibling attends your centre in a later year you may just re activate the parent account and link it to the new child.

If a child is archived parents who are also active may login but they will not see any documentation about the child that is archived.  For instance if a parent has one child at the centre and another child who no longer attends.  The active child’s documents would be visible to the parents but the archived child’s would not.

Last Update: November 15, 2018  

October 17, 2017   3747    Manage Users  
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One Child teacher with a child

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