Planning overview

Planning overview

Planning for activities is completed via the planning form by clicking on ‘Planning’ in the left menu.

Title of plan is a required field and must be completed before the form can be submitted.  The title should describe the planned activity for ease of use within other areas of the program.

Planning Type allows the plan to be allocated to of these areas:

  • Goals are specific to a child’s goals.
  • Educator planned is for activities which are planned by the educator.
  • Child Requested is for activities which were requested by a child.
  • Support Plan is for planning around a specific child to support learning or other support needs.
  • QIP is only available for administrators who wish to add Quality Improvement Planning to oneChild.

Start Date :: End Date.  Choose the date an activity will start and the ending date.  An activity can extend over a number of days or weeks if required or just for the same day.

Educator Responsible: Administrators may select the educator who will be responsible for implementing the planned activity.  This allows an admin to arrange planned activities and detail them to educators to implement. Educators completing a plan are automatically added as the person responsible for the event. They are unable to detail plans to other educators.

Link Selected Children  is not mandatory but may have multiple children inserted within the field. When creating goals this field is needed so that the goal is added to the child’s private portal.

Program area fetches a list of learning areas from the database which is populated by an Administrator.  Choose the area that the plan relates to.

Activity description outlines the activity and any relevant details.

Intentionality enables extra detail to be added which about the purpose and learning for the planned activity.  Take a look at the ‘Questions to Consider’ drop down for inspiration about intentionality.

Curriculum outcomes: Select the relevant outcomes from the learning framework which is relevant to your centre.

Checked outcomes in planning have no influence on statistics related to the centre.  The outcomes are present to show intentionality of the planning and to assist with reflection.

Submit:  Save the plan.

plan form

Last Update: November 24, 2017  

November 24, 2017   3300    Administration, Planning  
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