One Child has a number of pre-populated curriculum frameworks to choose from. Once selected they are used in stories and planning to link learning to the frameworks outcomes. This becomes part of a child’s portfolio and enables statistics to be drawn from a frameworks outcomes for an individual child and for the centre.
Select the framework you wish to use at your centre and click on the switch to turn it on. You may select more than one if necessary.
- Click on Administration in the menu
- Click on Centre Setting in the sub-menu
- Click on the switch(s) next to the curriculum you would like to use at your centre.
- When a framework is selected the switch will turn green.
- If you would like to preview the framework outcomes you may click on the preview button to the right of the framework.
Tip: When you click on a switch wait for the page to reload before selecting another framework.
If you would like to add your own curriculum you may do so by following the instructions in Add, Edit and Delete a custom framework
Last Update: September 11, 2017
September 11, 2017 3783 Administration, Getting Started
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