3 Useful Covid-19 Resources for Children, Parents and Carers
Covid-19 has certainly changed things in education and child care during 2020. Queensland Education have produced some great resources to help explain about the Coronavirus and support children / parent / carers during this difficult time. Here are a number of resources we think are particularly [...]
Hoop Hop Showdown
Hoop Hop Showdown is a fun and engaging game for school age children as it does require an understanding and ability to play 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'.
Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)
Photo by Red Morley Hewitt The Chinese New Year otherwise known as the Lunar New Year falls on the new moon each year between the 21st January and 20 February. This is a time of celebration for families to come together to feast, give [...]
10 Halloween activity ideas for early childhood educators
We have collected 10 great Halloween activities to inspire educators to include in their programming and celebrate the fun of Halloween.
7 steps to better documentation
We have collated 7 documentation ‘standards’ which we believe will help improve practice for centres struggling with their documentation. 1. Is one sentence enough? Write complete sentences that describe a thought, observation or action. One sentence observations or reflections generally lack substance and leave the reader [...]
What makes a great early childhood educator?
Here are a couple of ideas of what makes a great early childhood educator. While there are other attributes we thought that these were quite poetic and represented some of the great qualities that many educators collectively possess. Please share this short video with other educators [...]
Supporting children to accomplish homework tasks
This is a planning example for an OSHC centre which has a homework group. The educator responsible for the homework group has completed a support plan for a child (Josh) who is expected to attend homework group but is not very productive as he is easily [...]
5 Anzac Stories for Kids
Anzac day is a National day of remembrance to reflect on the sacrifices that were made by Australian and New Zealand men and women who served and died in all wars. Each year on April 25th Anzac day commemorates the first major military action fought by [...]
3 Educational Easter Themed Apps for Children
For many children Easter is a time of excitement and anticipation of chocolaty surprises delivered by the Easter Bunny. Traditional Easter activities usually include egg painting and Easter bonnets but we have embraced the new digital era of Easter activities. We have sourced 3 educational Easter [...]
Harmony Day Activities for Early Childhood Care
Harmony day is a celebration of cultural diversity and is held on the 21st of March every year. The message for harmony day is ‘everybody belongs’ and aims to promote respect for cultural and religious diversity throughout Australia. Orange is the representative colour of harmony day [...]