Forgotten or lost password

Forgotten or lost password

Passwords are encrypted and cannot be retrieved at all.  If you have forgotten your password it will need to be reset.  This is quite easy.

Go to

Click on the ‘forgot password?’ link above the ‘Sign In’ button on.

forgotten password

On the next page enter your username and click on ‘Send Password Rest Link’.

NOTE: If you have forgotten your user name please contact your Child Care centre to have your login information resent to you.  This will also reset you password.

reset password

When this button is clicked an email will be sent to the email address which is associated with the username you entered.  This email will have instructions to complete the reset password process.

reset password email

Click on the link in the email which will take you to a reset password page.

reset password

Enter your username, password and confirm the password. Click on Reset Password. You will then be logged into your account.


Last Update: September 17, 2017  

September 6, 2017   4492    Families, Signing In & Out    
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