How to print a learning story – General or Office Use

How to print a learning story – General or Office Use

Method 1 – Quick Print

To print a learning story, click on ‘Learning Story‘ in the left menu.   Find the story you would like to print and click on the print button.

Print a story

This will print an ‘Office Use’ print out of the learning story.  Office use print outs include the learning story, children linked to the story, comments, reflections, curriculum outcomes (NQF & NQS) and linked plans.

If you would like to print a learning story for parents or public display at your centre use Method 2.

Method 2 – General Use

As with method 1 find the relevant story and click on the view story link.

Learning story overview

The learning story will then be displayed in a pop over modal.  The entire learning story and any linked information will be shown in the preview.

After the main content area of the Learning Story there is a double red line with text which states ‘Office Use Print will include information below this line‘.  This is where a learning stories content is divided for General Use and Office Use printing.

Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the dark ‘General Use Print’ button to print only the story without any linked content. This is the content above the double red lines.

If you desire a full print version of the story and linked information click on the ‘Office Use Print‘ button and all the information displayed will be printed, the same as Method 1.

Modal view of learning story

NOTE:  The double red line and sentence separating the general use and office use will not be printed.

Note: When we talk about printing we are referring to the PDF document which is created when you ‘print’ any document in One Child.  The PDF version of your document (e.g. learning story) is able to be saved as a PDF to your device to store electronically or share.  It is also able to be printed directly from the PDF file.


Last Update: February 17, 2019  

September 18, 2017   4676    Administration, Download Documents, Learning Stories  
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