Children with no photograph permission in a learning story

Children with no photograph permission in a learning story

In some cases parents may not want to have their child photographed for personal, cultural or other reasons.  If a child is not to be photographed this can be recorded on One Child.

Go to manage users: Administration > Manage Users

Manage Users

In the active child window click on the blue ‘edit’ button for the relevant child. Scroll down the page to the ‘Photography Permission’ area.

Click on the ‘Permission is not granted to take photo’s of this child’.

Click on the update button.

NOTE: By default all children are assumed to be able to be photographed.  This is an opt out permission.

photo permission area

Once a child has been entered onto the system as not having permission to have photo’s taken a warning will be displayed on the editor screen for a learning story as soon as the story is saved as public and published.

no permission for photos alert

Note: This warning will only be shown if the story is saved as public and published.

The warning will also be displayed on the view of the story before an administrator publishes a story if this option is set for the centre.

Last Update: September 17, 2017  

September 17, 2017   3147    Learning Stories    
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