Add, Edit and Delete a custom framework

Add, Edit and Delete a custom framework

If your centre operates with a framework or curriculum which is currently not pre-populated in One Child you may add a custom curriculum for your centre.

Navigate to the settings page.

  1. Click on Administration in the left side menu.
  2. Click on Centre Settings in the sub-menu.
  3. Scroll down the page to Custon Curriculum.
  4. Click on the green ‘Custom Curriculum’ button.

custom framework screen shot

Step 1. Add Framework

Name your new framework.  This will be then used to link categories and outcomes together.

Add a short description of your new framework.

Click on ‘Submit’.

add framework

Step 2. Add Categories

Once you have added a ‘Framework’ click on the framework name which is now shown on the left of the page.


Add a category and click submit.

Important: Categories cannot be selected in any documentation.  They provide a way to group outcomes together.

There must be a least one category added to the framework in order to add outcomes.

add categories

Once you have added some categories you may add some outcomes to your framework.

categories have been added

Step 3. Add Outcomes

Note: Outcomes may be selected and linked to documentation.

Choose a category from the drop down list.  These are the categories you added in Step 2.

Enter the outcome and then click on submit.

The outcome will be shown beneath the category you selected. Add as many outcomes as you need to each category.

added outcomes linked to categories

Edit Outcomes or Categories

Click on the orange edit button to the right of the outcome or category you wish to make changes to. A modal box will appear. Make changes to the text and click on the change button.

update outcome or category

Delete an Outcome or Category

Click on the red button ‘Delete’ to the right of the outcome or category you wish to delete.

Note: Only categories without outcomes may be deleted.

The outcome or category will be deleted immediately.



Last Update: September 11, 2017  

September 11, 2017   2851    Administration  
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