

15 Questions to help find your intentionality

November 13|Documentation Ideas|

“Intentionality is about educators being able to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it”1. The following questions are designed as a starting point to consider and provoke thought around intentional teaching practice.   They may be used to assist with documenting intentionality [...]

4 key areas to document child agency: An Educators Guide

October 14|Documentation Ideas|

What is Agency? Having agency means, ‘Being able to make choices and decisions to influence events and to have an impact on one’s world’1. As children develop a sense of agency they realise that they have the ability to make their own decisions and to control [...]

The Smart way to set goals for children

September 16|Documentation Ideas|

Setting goals can provide children with valuable life skills such as commitment, persistence and responsibility.  Goals can be used to help extend the capacity of a child and provide a sense of achievement upon completion of a goal.  It is also part of the pedagogical practice [...]

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