Receiving Centre Announcements

Receiving Centre Announcements

Announcements are only able to be sent by centre administrators.  Announcements are shared with the entire centre or staff only.

When an announcement is sent users will receive an email advising of a new announcement ready to view in One Child.

The email will be sent from hello[at] on behalf of your centre.

Tip: It may be necessary to white list this email address to ensure that emails from One Child do not end up in junk email folders.

If your centre is using the Slack app integration a message will be sent to you through the app.

Announcement Email:

announcement email

Click on the blue link to login to One Child to view the announcement.

After logging into One Child you will notice a count of unread announcements will be displayed above the bell icon in the top bar or the page.

unread announcements icon

Click on the bell to view announcements.

The next screen which will open up is the announcements page.  All announcements which you receive will be shown here.

announcements list

Unread announcements will be indicated by a warning icon under the ‘Read’ column.  Once an announcement is viewed the warning icon will be removed and a tick will be displayed.

Click on the view button at the end of the message to view the full announcement.

view announcement

Announcements cannot be replied to.  They are for sharing general non personal information only.

Parents and educators cannot send announcements.

Last Update: September 14, 2017  

September 14, 2017   3561    Communication, Families    
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One Child teacher with a child

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