Hoop Hop Showdown

Hoop Hop Showdown is a fun and engaging game for school age children as it does require an understanding and ability to play ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’.


Large open space.

20+ plastic hoops.

Game Play

Two teams battle it out against each other.  Students jump from hoop to hoop until they meet up with an opponent along the hoop course.  At the meeting the students play ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’.  The winner continues along the course jumping from hoop to hoop until they meet the next opponent.

Watch video.



In the game children use gross motor and cognitive skills to play.  Physical activity is part of the game play where students jump from hoop to hoop.  Upon meeting another child along the hoop course they face off with a 1 round game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissor’ encouraging cognitive interaction. The children become aware of fairness during the play and self determine if they are out during play.  There is a strong sense of support for team members creating social engagement with other children.

Outcomes – My Time Our Place

2.3 Children become aware of fairness.

3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.


Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)

Chinese new year

Photo by Red Morley Hewitt

The Chinese New Year otherwise known as the Lunar New Year falls on the new moon each year between the 21st January and 20 February.

This is a time of celebration for families to come together to feast, give gifts and watch fireworks over a 15 day long holiday.  Celebrations last from the new moon to the full moon.

The Chinese calendar follows a 12 year cycle with each year related to one of twelve creatures.  Here are the dates and associated creatures for the next six years.

2018, Friday 16 February – Dog
2019, Tuesday 5 February – Pig
2020, Saturday 25 January – Rat
2021, Friday 12 February – Ox
2022, Tuesday 1 February – Tiger
2023, Sunday 22 January 2023 – Rabbit

About Chinese New Year:

The story of the Chinese Zodiac – The Great Race


Whats your zodiac sign?


To introduce children to the cultural celebrations of the Chinese (Lunar) New Year which may be different from our own.
To introduce the Chinese Zodiac through a story and explain how it relates to the new year celebrations.
To use singing activities to explore the Chinese Zodiac.


2.2 Children respond to diversity with respect.


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Paper Ball Wars

Multi-colored paper balls on black table

This is a fun outside game used for developing team work and cooperation as well as encouraging fair play and resilience for players when they are taken out of the game. This activity relates to NQF outcomes 1.2, 2.3 and 3.2.

Plan Type

Educator Initiated, Child Requested


  • To encourage children to play outside.
  • To develop their gross motor skills of running, dodging and throwing.
  • To develop honesty and fairness during play, particularly in acknowledging when they have been hit and they are out.
  • To develop awareness around physical safety when playing in a confined area with others.
  • To ensure physical well-being with regard to sun safety in an outdoor setting e.g. sunscreen and wearing of hats.

NQF Outcomes

1.2 Children develop their resilience

2.3 Children become aware of fairness

3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing


Two even teams required.

Make a field and indicate the boundaries and a centre line to the players.

Protective barriers may be used if desired.

Recycled paper scrunched into balls.

Activity Description

The object of the game is to throw paper balls across the field’s mid-line at the other team to try and hit them with the thrown paper ball. If a player is hit by a paper ball they are out and must stand on the side of the field. If another team member catches a paper ball on the full, one team mate may join back into the game. Time rounds for 2 -5 minutes and restart.


  • Was the activity well attended?
  • Were the rules understood easily?
  • Was there fairness in play?
  • Was there any conflict between player? How was this resolved?
  • Was there a need to modify the rules?
  • Was there any bias e.g. age or gender? What demographic was observed to participate?
  • Were there any safety incidents?
  • How could this activity be extended?

Ice Chalk

colored ice chalk in a bowl

Ice chalk is a great activity for sensory discovery and fun. Develop creativity, imagination and curiosity with a focus on NQF 4.1 with this easy activity.

Plan Type

Educator Planned


To encourage children to play outside and create temporary artistic pieces.

To expose children to sensory experience with melting, cold & fizzy chalk.

NQF Outcomes

3.2 Children take responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing (not eat ice chalk).

4.1 Children develop dispositions such as creativity, curiosity, enthusiasm and imagination.

Activity Description

This activity requires preparation.

Depending on the age of the children involved, children may be involved in the making process.

Activity may be more suited to summer.

Ice chalk does not draw like regular chalk but it melts into coloured mosaics. Paint brushes may be used to enhance artistic vision!


Add equal amounts of water and cornflour and mix.

Add food colouring or use liquid water based paints.


Fizzy Chalk: Replace some cornflour with baking soda and fill a spray bottle with vinegar.

During play spray the chalk with the vinegar to get it fizzing.


How did the children interact while making the ice chalk?

How did children react when vinegar was added to the ice chalk?

What worked well during this activity?

Was there any requests to do the activity again?

Was there an opportunity to develop a particular child in any of the selected outcome areas?

How could this activity be extended?

How could this activity be improved?

Musical Bob

children dancingA twist on the classic musical chairs. Develop resilience and fairness with a focus on NQF outcomes 1.2 and 2.4.

Plan Type

Educator Planned


  • Children will develop rhythm and gross motor skills by dancing to the music.
  • They will learn about playing by the rules and fairness.
  • Children will have the opportunity to deal with disappointment and develop their resilience when they are told they are out.
  • They will have the opportunity to display empathy for others who are disappointed when they are told they are out during the game.
  • Children will respect the decision of the educator who will nominate people to be out upon stopping of the music in accordance with the rules.

NQF Outcomes

1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

2.3 Children become aware of fairness

Activity Description

Variation to musical chairs. Using a music playing device start playing music, allowing children to dance around until the music stops. When the music is stopped, they must then bob down as quickly as possible. The last person to bob down is out and must sit out of the game until the end. The game ends where there is only one child left.

Other Planned Activities

Ice Chalk – Ice chalk is a great activity for sensory discovery and fun. Develop creativity, imagination and curiosity with a focus on NQF 4.1 with this easy activity.

Truth Truth Trick – Social interaction, inquiry, problem solving and negotiation within a group are used in this activity to determine which statements about a person are the truth and which are a trick. NQF outcome 4.2 is the focus of this activity.

Rubbish and Recycling

Recycling bins on green grass near wooden fenceDeveloping an understanding of recycling as part of a sustainability program is a great way to involve children in the processes unique to your centre. It also addresses National Quality Standard 3.3.2 ‘Children are supported to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment’.

This interactive activity has been designed to expose children to recycling and meet NQF outcomes 2.4 and 4.2 for each participant.

Plan Type

Educator Planned


  • To develop an understanding of sustainability.
  • Utilise problem solving skills to determine which items are recyclable and which are not.
  • To identify symbols to assist in determining if an item is suitable for recycling or has been recycled before.
  • Use communication skills within a group to form consensus to determine if an item can be recycled.

NQF Outcomes

2.4 Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.

4.2 Children use a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

Activity Description

Children are presented with a number of items which may or may not, be recyclable. As a group items will be sorted into three groups of items: Recyclable, rubbish and unknown. Once all items are sorted discuss why each item has been placed in its group and decide if the item has been correctly categorised.

Consider this:

Children are introduced to the concept of sorting items into recyclable or not recyclable trash.

Children will be shown the process of where items of rubbish are placed in contrast to where recyclables are placed within the centre.

Why is it important to reuse items or to recycle items?

How can items be made into different items after they are recycled?

Introduce children to symbols on items which indicate that the item is suitable for recycling or has previously been recycled (PET).

Discuss the nature of recycling including organic vs non organic items as well. e.g. scrap food vs plastics. Look for the PET 1 or PETE 1 recycle symbol on plastic bottles.

The recyclable items can be sorted further into papers, glass, plastics and aluminium.

Important Dates:

This activity can be used during National Recycling Week annually. Upcoming dates 2015: Monday 9 – Sunday 15 November,  2016: Monday 7 – Sunday 13 November and 2017: Monday 13 – Sunday 19 November.


Preparation: A range of items are required which can be sorted. Use items such as plastic bottles, glass bottles, aluminium cans, metal cans, papers, cardboard (egg cartons), polystyrene containers, milk cartons, electrical items (mobile phones), printer cartridges, etc. See below links for further information and inspiration.

Pet recyclables https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PET_bottle_recycling

Planetark http://recyclingweek.planetark.org/kids-teachers/kids.cfm


Warm Fuzzies

Teaching social and emotional well being can be as simple as using a game. Warm Fuzzies looks at NQF outcome 3.1 to develop social interactions and recognition of a child’s contribution to a supportive community.

Plan Type

Educator Planned


Children develop agency in recognising and acknowledging positive social interactions. Children develop an understanding of the importance of their contribution to a supportive community.

NQF Outcomes

3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing.

Activity Description

  1. Educator explains the importance of acknowledging other people every day for making their time at OSHC happy.
  2. Discuss and give examples of the ways others can make you feel happy, e.g. helping with a problem, smiling, giving compliments etc.
  3. Explain the concept of ‘Warm Fuzzies’ as follows.
    1. Get participating students to write their own name on an envelope and collect the envelopes.
    2. Have each student write all the names of the other students in the group on a piece of paper.
    3. Then have each student write something nice about each person e.g. something that they do well, or an act of kindness they saw. All messages are anonymous.
    4. Have each student place their messages into the correct envelope for each recipient e.g. messages for Luke go in Luke’s envelope. Each student will have one message from each of the other students in the group
    5. Give each student their envelope containing all their warm fuzzy messages.
    6. Allow each child to read through their messages and then share one by reading out load to the group.
  4. Encourage students to discuss how these positive messages made them feel. Also explore how it felt to write these nice messages and if it was easy or difficult to do.


  • Envelopes
  • Writing materials, paper and pens.


Did individuals / group enjoy the activity? Why?

Which students enjoyed the activity the most and which did not? Why?

Were they any difficulties encountered with the activity?

What could have been done better?

Follow Up

Is there opportunity to continue this activity with the same or other students?

Are their particular students in your care that could use focused attention with developing social wellbeing?

Paper Planes

Child making a paper plane.Paper planes is a simple activity which enables children to explore ideas while it develops a child’s disposition in various ways. This plan has been developed for curiosity and reflexivity but could be used for other areas of the outcome 4.1 NQF.

Note: names used in this article are for illustrative purposes only.

Plan Type

Educator Planned


Selected children will build upon dispositions in the areas of curiosity and reflexivity as they work together to create and experiment with making and testing a range of paper planes.

NQF Outcomes

4.1 Children develop dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

Activity Description

  1. Educators support students in using iPad to google you-tube clips of paper plane competitions.
  2. Children work as a group to determine a joint purpose for the construction paper planes.
  3. Educators support students in using the internet to explore types of paper planes that fit the purpose of construction.
  4. Children select materials from art room suitable for the construction of paper planes.
  5. Children construct and test paper planes.
  6. Educators facilitate student discussion on the successful plane models and provide questions to guide subsequent paper plane construction. As a group student decide which models to adapt.
  7. Children construct new paper planes to refine purpose.
  8. Students use iPad to record their own paper plane competition.


All students’ curiosity was piqued after viewing the initial videos. This curiosity was built upon through exploring the different types of plane construction and testing out their predictions. Jimmy required support when working with the group to respond with appropriate reflexivity during collaborative discussion.

Follow Up

Engage Jimmy in planned, structured pair activities where his skills, when engaging with others, can be built on through modelling.