Hoop Hop Showdown

Hoop Hop Showdown is a fun and engaging game for school age children as it does require an understanding and ability to play ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’.


Large open space.

20+ plastic hoops.

Game Play

Two teams battle it out against each other.  Students jump from hoop to hoop until they meet up with an opponent along the hoop course.  At the meeting the students play ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’.  The winner continues along the course jumping from hoop to hoop until they meet the next opponent.

Watch video.



In the game children use gross motor and cognitive skills to play.  Physical activity is part of the game play where students jump from hoop to hoop.  Upon meeting another child along the hoop course they face off with a 1 round game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissor’ encouraging cognitive interaction. The children become aware of fairness during the play and self determine if they are out during play.  There is a strong sense of support for team members creating social engagement with other children.

Outcomes – My Time Our Place

2.3 Children become aware of fairness.

3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.