3 Educational Easter Themed Apps for Children

For many children Easter is a time of excitement and anticipation of chocolaty surprises delivered by the Easter Bunny. Traditional Easter activities usually include egg painting and Easter bonnets but we have embraced the new digital era of Easter activities. We have sourced 3 educational Easter themed apps for Apple (iOS) and Android devices for you to use, in your Easter activity programs, at your centre.

Paint on 3d Easter Eggs (iOS)

A no mess solution to Easter egg painting (not that we don’t like mess). This app is available on the app store and encourages creativity using digital finger painting to make egg-ceptional works of art. This app has a small price tag of only $0.99 and allows for finished egg master pieces to be sent to parents via email. It also does not have ads, collect or share personal information and no in app purchases!

red easter egg

Happy Easter Jigsaw puzzles (Android)

An Easter themed jigsaw puzzles game which can be set to a child’s skill level by choosing different puzzle sizes and difficulty. Use puzzles to help develop concentration, focus and thinking skills such as recognising, matching and sorting.

Easter jigsaw

Easter Egg Matching Game (Android)

The Easter egg matching game uses colours and patterns for players to match. Match a pair or more to remove the eggs from play. A simple and fun way for children to develop skills in pattern recognition.

Easter eggs stacked

More Resources

If you are looking for more traditional arts and craft ideas for Easter we have pinned a number of articles to our pinterest page. You can find the inspiration at Early Childhood Educator (Pinterest)


Note: We have chosen the above apps for what we consider as meeting our criteria of being Easter themed. We are not affiliated with any of the makers of these programs and we receive no remuneration for their inclusion on our list. We cannot guarantee their suitability for your use and have no control of content within the apps or links to external sites from the apps.